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Join our congregation for our time of fasting and praying. You might ask, why are we fasting? The Daniel Fast is a fast based on two accounts of the prophet Daniel's fasting. A fast is meant to help a person find G-d's favor as the individual commits themself to G-d. When Daniel fasted along with other Israeli boys, G-d proved to the Babylonian empire that G-d's way is best. This special commitment to G-d also allowed G-d to reveal to Daniel an answer that would save many lives. Daniel's commtiment (Daniel 1 and 10) to stay away from choice food is today known as the Daniel's Fast. Another reason for fasting is for the Lord to breakthrough tough sitiations and remove opression in the Name of Yeshua! Fasting is a great tool in bringing healing, restoration, and rebirth to our homes and community!

As we are in the United States, we want to begin the new year as representives of the Kingdom of the Messiah. With this we want to pray for our nation and it's leaders. 

As a part of the Messianic Jewish Community, we want to pray for the revival of the Jewish people. Just as Daniel refrained from enjoying the feast presented to him by the king, we want to refrain from what is evil and seek Him who is righteous. "Man does not live by bread alone, but by the Word of God"! We also want to stand as a light and pray the peace of Jerusalem the capitol state of Israel, for Israel's leaders, and for the nation of Israel. We want to stand as a reminder of what it means to follow G-d's plan, and that our redemption has come in Messiah Yeshua. Lastly, we want to pray that the hostages in Hamas custody are released.

As a congregration with individuals, we want to pray for eachother and seek His will accomplished in our community. We desire to see Messiah revealed to our Jewish Community in Orlando, and so we stand in the gap to pray for the revelation and opportunity to share the good news of Messiah bringing freedom to the oppressed.

We know that fasting is a tool that Yeshua said is necessary for the casting out of certain spirits as it is also for the building of our faith.

We ask that you be sensitive to G-d's leading, and that you also take care of your body. If you feel unusual things taking place in or on your body, please seek professional medical advice. We want to be wise in our actions.


What does it mean to fast?
Fasting, usually pertaning to food, is when a person abstains from certain food, drink, and at times certain things or activites. The time, money and will to do the usual things is traded to seek a deeper relationship with Yeshua. 

How can I fast?
While there are different things you can abstain from, the most important thing to do is seek the L-rd and relfect on the usual things that you eat, drink, and/or do. 

What's the Daniel Fast?
The Daniels Fast is focused on seeking the L-rd earneslty not having choice foods especially in a time where the enemy tries oppress or demand from you to do the oppossite of what G-d has called you to do. In so G-d answers and He does so in a great and mighty way.

“At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips (Dan. 10:2-3)
In all, it means that he ate simple things that was not necessarily what people would prefer. When I go to the grocery store, many people do not prefer the healthy simple foods like greens, beans, and these very good wholisitc foods.
In all it is important to know what things are simple and good for you. The best way to go about this fast is pray and ask G-d what are some things that I need to give up to G-d for G-d to be glorified.

In all, our congregation follows what many have come together to agree with is an apporiate Daniel's fast. If G-d is showing you to follow it a little different, we want you to follow G-d's voice in your life. However, in the congregational setting, we will be following the Ultimate Daniel's Fast. You can follow along visiting:

What can I eat? PDF Avaiable below